
中華心理學刊 民108,61 卷,2 期,97-130
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2019, Vol.61, No.2, 97-130




在運動團隊的相關研究中,教練採取嚴格的控制手段要求選手在訓練中付出努力,是十分常見的現象。過往亦有不少研究者從威權領導的理論觀點切入來探討此一現象,然而,儘管這些研究已累積了初步的研究成果,但多侷限於相似概念的質性訪談,沒有直接以實徵研究來釐清教練威權領導與選手努力行為的關係。因此,對於威權領導是否真的能促使選手付出更多努力,仍缺乏一明確的答案,形成了重要的研究缺口。為了彌補此一缺口,本研究依循雙向度威權領導的概念架構,將之區分為專權領導與尚嚴領導,並從領導權變觀點出發,提出了選手的目標導向作為邊界條件的理論模型。根據348 筆大專甲組棒球員的資料顯示,尚嚴領導會提升選手的努力行為;但當選手擁有高逃避表現目標導向或高證明表現目標導向時,此一正向路徑的效果會弱化。另一方面,只有在選手擁有低證明表現目標導向時,專權領導才會對選手的努力行為具有負向預測效果。藉此,本研究釐清了教練的嚴格控制是否會促使選手更加努力,補足過往對此一重要現象缺乏實徵研究的缺口。


Does Authoritarian Leadership Lead to Bad Outcomes? A Contingency Perspective

Yu-Hung Cheng(Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University);Wan-Ju Chou(Department of Psychology, Chung Yuan Christian University);Te-Hsien Chou(The Athletic Department, National Taiwan University);Bor-Shiuan Cheng(Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University)



Previous studies on the sports team have mainly focused on the common phenomenon that coaches take strict control to require players to work hard in training. Many researchers have explored this phenomenon from the theoretical perspective of authoritarian leadership. Although these studies have accumulated preliminary results, they are mostly limited to qualitative interviews, but not directly examine the relationship between coaches’ authoritarian leadership style and players’ effort. Therefore, whether the authoritarian leadership can really encourage the players to put more efforts in training is still a puzzle and an important research void. In order to fulfill this void, this study adapts the dual dimensional model of authoritarian leadership, dividing authoritarian leadership into dominancefocus authoritarian leadership and discipline-focus authoritarian leadership. Also, taking the perspective of leadership contingency theory, we propose that player’s goal orientation is an important boundary condition. According to the data of 348 college players, discipline-focus authoritarian leadership enhances the player’s hard work; and the impact becomes nonsignificant when the player has a high avoid performance goal orientation or a high prove performance goal orientation. On the other hand, dominance-focus authoritarian leadership has a negative impact on the player’s hard work behavior only if the player has a low prove performance goal orientation. In this way, this study clarifies whether the strict control of the coach really encourages the players to work harder and fulfill the lack of research in the past for this important phenomenon.


Keywords: authoritarian leadership, contingency theory, effort, goal orientation, sport team
