親子二人互動紀錄系統第四版之信效度與常模數據報告: 建立於台灣臨床轉介樣本

中華心理學刊 民109,62 卷,3 期,321-354
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2020, Vol.62, No.3, 321-354




親子二人互動紀錄系統為一用來評估親子互動之直接行為觀察評估工具。本研究檢驗此紀錄系統第四版用於台灣臨床轉介樣本(3-11 歲兒童及其主要照顧者)之信效度、提供此特定樣本之常模數據,及檢驗此特定常模在兒童年齡上是否存在差異。一共有104 位臨床轉介兒童及其主要照顧者參與親子互動治療療前評估,本研究以這些參與親子互動治療療前評估之主要照顧者所填寫的量表資料,及以親子二人互動紀錄系統第四版所收集到之觀察資料進行分析。本研究結果發現親子二人互動紀錄系統第四版在一些指標上,具良好之觀察者間信度及適當的區辨、聚合和分歧效度,其中包含以兒童為主導遊戲情境下之負向語句,及以父母為主導遊戲和收拾玩具情境下之兒童服從率指標。而以親子二人互動紀錄系統第四版進行評估所建立之台灣臨床轉介樣本常模數據,其親子互動行為則發現會因兒童年齡不同而有所差異。本研究結果支持此紀錄系統用於台灣臨床轉介樣本之信效度,而以本研究樣本所建立之特定常模數據,則可提供有關台灣臨床轉介親子在此紀錄系統可能表現之參考資料。未來研究需針對親子二人互動紀錄系統第四版之再測信度及預測效度進行檢驗,並建立台灣非臨床轉介兒童樣本之常模及信效度。


Psychometric Properties and Normative Data of the Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction Coding System Fourth Edition in a Clinically Referred Taiwanese Sample

Yi-Chuen Chen(Department of Psychology, National Chung Cheng University)



The Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction Coding System, fourth edition (DPICS IV) is a behavioral observation measure used to assess parent-child interactions. The purpose of this study was threefold: (1) to examine the psychometric properties of the DPICS IV in a clinically referred Taiwanese sample of children aged 3-11 and their caregivers, (2) to provide normative data for this population, and (3) to examine normative age differences. A total of 104 Taiwanese clinically referred caregiver-child dyads completed the pre-treatment assessment for Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. Parent-report measures completed by the caregivers, as well as the DPICS IV observational data, were used for analysis. The DPICS IV had good inter-observer reliability and adequate discriminant, convergent and divergent validity for some DPICS IV indicators, including negative talk in child-led play and child compliance in parent-led play and clean-up. Differences were noted in parent-child interactions assessed by the DPICS IV based on the child’s age. The results of this study highlight good psychometrics for the DPICS IV in a clinically referred Taiwanese sample, and its established normative data can provide performance reference on the DPICS IV for this population. Future studies are needed to examine the test-retest reliability and predictive validity of the DPICS IV and to establish its normative data and psychometric properties with a non-referred Taiwanese sample.


Keywords: behavioral observation, behavior problem, norm, parent-child interaction, psychometric properties
