
DOI: 10.6129/CJP.20170406
中華心理學刊 民106,59卷,2期,63-87
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2017, Vol.59, No.2, 63-87




強暴迷思的概念與測量具有在地性、變遷性,並與社會文化特色密切相關,因此不能僅移植西方的概念或使 用西方的量表。本研究從傳統華人社會文化角度出發,提出華人的強暴迷思概念,並據以建立測量工具。華人重視 家庭、關係、修身、德性、他人評價,故作者從這些面向思考並整合過去的研究經驗,提出華人家庭取向、貞潔 取向、他人取向、與自省取向的強暴迷思特徵。本研究以無記名自陳式問卷調查法蒐集資料,研究對象包括5所公 立、7所私立大學的學生,經剔除廢卷後得有效問卷969份。結果發現,上述華人強暴迷思的特徵中,家庭取向迷思 可分為被害延伸與加害延伸兩項迷思,貞潔與他人取向迷思可合併為一個構念,而得到四項構念或分量表:被害延 伸迷思、加害延伸迷思、貞潔與他人迷思、自省迷思。整體量表具備良好的內部一致性信度與組合信度,並具備構 念效度、複合效度、與效標關聯效度。文末討論研究結果的理論意涵、實務應用、研究限制、與未來研究方向。



Development of Chinese Rape Myths Concept and Scale

Jiun-Yih Huang(Department of Applied Psychology, Hsuan Chuang University);Yii-nii Lin(Center for Teacher Education, National Tsing Hua University)



Rape myths related concepts and measurements are region-oriented, change-oriented, and are highly associated with sociocultural characteristics, as a result, western concepts and measurement scales may not apply to Chinese society. This study proposed concepts of rape myths from the Chinese point of view and established measurement tool suitable for Chinese society accordingly. Researchers of this study proposed family orientation, chastity orientation, other-orientation, and reflection orientation as the characteristics of Chinese rape myths based on Chinese traditional values and past research findings. The study collected data through anonymous self-report questionnaires surveying students of five public and seven private universities. The number of valid questionnaires was 969. The results of this study showed that the characteristic of family orientation could be further divided into rape victim extension and rapist extension. The characteristics of chastity orientation and other-orientation could be combined into one construct. The revised attributes of the measurement scale included four subscales: rape victim extension myths, rapist extension myths, chastity and other-oriented myths, and reflection myths. The resulted measurement scale was sufficient in internal consistency and composite reliability, and was validated through construct validity, cross-validation validity, and criteriarelated validity. Theoretical implications, practical applications, research limitations, and directions for future research were also discussed in the study.


Keywords: other-orientation, reflection orientation, family orientation, chastity orientation, Chinese rape myths
