以 Berry 涵化模型探討澳門菲律賓移民之涵化模式和適應結果


中華心理學刊 民 111,64 卷,1 期,91-110
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2022, Vol.64, No.1, 91-110

隋龍(澳門城市大學人文社會科學學院);Francisco Paulo de Nogueira Botelho(Macao Observatory for social development, University of Saint Joseph (Macao))



本研究基於 Berry 涵化模型,透過「個體為中心」方法探討澳門菲律賓移民的涵化模式,並考察涵化模式與適 應結果關係。對 214 個樣本之涵化取向、文化認同與社會交往變項進行聚類分析,最終確定出弱族裔交往分離模式 (43%)、強主流文化整合模式(42%)、邊緣化模式(15%)三分類方案。強主流文化整合模式有著較好的心理 和社會文化適應水準,邊緣化模式較差;心理適應在弱族裔交往分離和強主流文化整合兩種模式方面沒有顯著差異。 研究結果表明移民所偏好的涵化模式取決於定居社會背景,而涵化模式決定移民的適應結果。最後,本研究討論了 研究局限以及今後研究方向,並且為制定適當的公共政策提出建議。


Application of Berry’s Model of Acculturation to the Study of Acculturation Profiles and Adaptation of Filipino Immigrants in Macau

Long Sui(Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, City University of Macau);Francisco Paulo de Nogueira Botelho(Macau Society of Registered Psychotherapists)



This study, based on Berry’s bidimensional acculturation model, aims to assess the acculturation profiles with a sample of 214 Filipino immigrant participants using a person-centered approach and to examine the relationship between profiles and psychological and sociocultural adaptation. Cluster analysis, based on acculturation process related variables including acculturation orientations, cultural identity and social contact, identified three-cluster optimal classification profiles namely separation with low ethnic contact (43%), integration with high mainstream orientation (42%), and marginalization (15%). This result indicated that participants belonging to the integration with high mainstream orientation profile showed a more positive psychological and sociocultural adaptation; in contrast, the marginalization profile had relatively weaker adaptation outcomes. It is found that there were no significant differences between separation with low ethnic contact and integration with high mainstream orientation profile with respect to psychological adaptation. Study findings provided considerable evidence over the context of settlement for immigrants’ acculturation status while the adaptation outcome was dependent on their acculturation profiles. Implications of these findings for social policies and limitations for practitioners in this field are discussed.

Keywords: Acculturation Profile, Cluster Analysis, Macau's Filipino Immigrants, Psychological Adaptation, Sociocultural Adaptation
