台灣地區華人情緒與相關心理生理資料庫— 專業表演者臉部表情常模資料

DOI: 10.6129/CJP.20130314
中華心理學刊 民102,55卷,4期,439-454
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2013, Vol.55, No.4, 439-454






Taiwan Corpora of Chinese Emotions and Relevant Psychophysiological Data -- Behavioral Evaluation Norm for Facial Expressions of Professional Performer

Chien-Chung Chen(Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University);Shu-Ling Cho(Department of Clinical Psychology, Fu Jen Catholic University);Rung-Yu Tseng(Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University)



To establish an image database and norm for facial expression in local population, we collected 12,393 valid images from 29 professional performers in facial expression of seven basic emotions: happiness, anger, sadness, disgust, fear, surprise, and neutral. Among them, the most representative 1,232 frontal view, 514 3/4 view and 527 profile images from all models were each rated by 50 ~ 100 human observers for the category and intensity of perceived emotion. Such large number of emotion categories, models and raters should be sufficient for most serious expression recognition research both in psychology and in computer science. All the models and raters are of Asian background. Hence, this database can also be used when the culture background is a concern.

Keywords: expressive face, frontal view face, 3/4 view face, profile face, entropy
