The Effect of Contextual Similarity on Negative Priming

中  華  心  理學  刊

Ting-Ying Yang(Deparment of Psychology, National Taiwan University);Yei-Yu Yeh(Deparment of Psychology, National Taiwan University);Hsuan-Fu Chao(Deparment of Psychology, National Taiwan University)



This study examined the impact of contextual similarity on negative priming. In Experiment 1, we replicated a previous study by manipulating the presence and absence of an exclamation mark in the prime-probe couplet. The results showed negative priming and yet failed to show the influence of contextual similarity. In Experiment 2, we increased the distance between the target and the distractor to the same distance as was in a study that showed the effect of contextual similarity. The results showed neither negative priming nor the influence of contextual similarity. The results from these two experiments support the inhibition account of negative priming and are inconsistent with the prediction of the memory retrieval account.

Keywords: negative priming, contextual similarity
