
中華心理學刊 民 111,64 卷,2 期,151-174
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2022, Vol.64, No.2, 151-174



研究目的:喪親的時間適應,是近年悲傷研究重要議題。本研究嘗試探究癌末病患照顧者的喪親時間性,以 喪親敘事文本的經驗時間性為主要焦點。研究方法:以詮釋現象學心理學取向,深度訪談並分析四位照顧者的敘事。 四位於喪親後半年至一年內接受一訪,二訪於一訪結束半年之後進行。研究結果:分析結果顯示三個關於喪親悲傷 時間性的普遍結構:(1) 脫節的時間:深度的寂靜。(2) 決斷的時間:切近的將來。(3) 綿延的時間:與過去共存的當下。 研究結論:喪親照顧者所經驗的時間性不同於日常生活的線性時間,悲傷並未被視為一個要被克服的任務,而是學 習如何與逝者的「不在」共處,以及如何在生命破碎之處面對屬己的決斷。當診斷手冊允許越來越短的悲傷線性時 間,喪親者可能更易感到孤立與不被理解。最後,本文嘗試提出相關的臨床應用與未來研究方向。


Silence, Resolution, and Endurance: An Exploration of Grief Temporality in Bereaved Caregivers of Terminally Ill Cancer Patients


Wan-Lin Lee(Department of Clinical Psychology, Fu Jen Catholic University), Huei-Ya Chen(Department of Philosophy, National Chengchi University), Yaw-Sheng Lin(Department of Philosophy, National Chengchi University)


The present study aimed to discover the temporality, the bereaved subjective time experience, in narrative texts after the cancer death of their beloved one. The research approach was hermeneutic phenomenological psychology. 4 bereaved caregivers were recruited and each of the participant was interviewed twice, with the second interview conducted after 6 months of the first one. The analysis revealed three general structures of time experiences: (1) time is out of joint: the deep quiet moment. (2) resolution time: nearing of the future. (3) duration of time: the coexistence of the past and the present. The subjective time experiences of bereaved caregivers might contradict the objective linear time assumption embedded in modern society, causing more feelings of isolation and loneliness of the bereaved. The death experiences have revealed the life essence of ab-ground, forcing the bereaved caregivers to confront their authentic self and to have resoluteness of their own lives. The article concludes by addressing several clinical applications associated with the bereaved temporality.

Keywords: caregivers, grief, phenomenological psychology, temporality.
