
中華心理學刊 民 111,64 卷,2 期,191-216
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2022, Vol.64, No.2, 191-216



人類社會因資源有限而產生資源分配的必要性,資源分配是相當複雜的決策歷程,不同個體與不同情境間都 存在變異。社會價值傾向即為個體對自己與他人資源分配穩定性偏好的展現。過去研究中多以個體本身的人格特質 理解並解釋決策行為,而忽略決策事件對象的影響力。本研究欲更細緻地討論關係親密度以及對立情境是否調節不 同社會價值傾向者的資源分配模式。本研究以分解遊戲為工具,作為個體社會價值傾向的指標,並進一步操弄決策 者與資源分配對象的關係親密度以及公共議題立場,觀察此二心理變項對不同社會價值傾向者在資源分配時可能造 成的影響。實驗一透過系統化地操弄關係親密度,發現關係親密度愈高,親社會傾向的表現比例愈高;實驗二進一 步以連續尺度的點數進行資源分配,並計算資源給予、既有資源剝奪指標,結果發現在關係親密度情境中主要反映 資源給予歷程,而當關係親密度愈高,分配給對方的資源愈多。實驗三則操弄自我與對方的立場異同來改變情境, 發現對立情境會誘發競爭傾向的展現,相較於立場相同情境,給予較少資源,但剝奪較多資源。綜合以上發現,本 研究證明關係親密度與對立情境會調節不同社會價值傾向者的資源分配型態。


Social Value Orientations on Resource Allocation: The Moderation Analysis of Relationship Closeness and Competitive Situation

Tzu-I Fang(Department of Adult & Continuing Education, National Taiwan Normal University), Chun-Yu Kuo(Department of Adult & Continuing Education, National Taiwan Normal University)


Since resources are limited, resource allocation is a major issue in psychology. The decision-making process underlying resource allocation is complicated and influenced by numerous factors. Social value orientation is a continuous construct for representing the preference for resource allocation. The triple-dominance measure of social value orientation is a frequently used instrument for predicting real-life behavior. Social value orientation has been treated as a stable psychological attribute across various situations. However, it’s easily affected and involves the process of resource allocation considering the closeness between oneself and others. In the present study, the closeness between oneself and others was manipulated across the experiments to systematically investigate how closeness affects the process of resource allocation. The results demonstrated that the allocated resources varied with different degrees of closeness, and individuals with different social value orientations showed different patterns of resource allocation.

Keywords: closeness, competitive situation, resource allocation, social value orientation
