
中華心理學刊 民 108,61 卷,4 期,277-294
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2019, Vol.61, No.4, 277-294




心理計量學(Psychometrics)為心理學領域之一,致力於研究與發展量化模型以促進對人類行為與心智之瞭解。 適逢《中華心理學刊》發行一甲子,本研究綜整學刊六十年發表之論文,回顧心理計量研究發展,分析心理學各領域採行之資料分析方法,呈現心理計量與心理學諸多領域之關聯,並探討當前心理計量研究人力,展望未來。希望藉由此回顧與展望再思心理計量研究於台灣心理學界與社會之角色,期能提升研究對話與合作,攜手共創未來。



Psychometrics in Taiwan: The Past, Present, and Future

Li-Jen Weng(Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University);Po-Hsi Chen(Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University;Institute for Research Excellence in Learning Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University);Hsiu-Ting Yu(Department of Psychology, National Chengchi University;Research Center for Mind, Brain & Learning, National Chengchi University)



Psychometrics is a fields of psychology is dedicated to the development of quantitative models to enhance our understanding of human behavior and mind. For the 60th anniversary of the publication of the Chinese Journal of Psychology, the articles published over the sixty years in the journal are reviewed to portray the development of psychometric research over this period and to relate psychometrics to various fields of psychology by analyzing the methods used in each study. This study also surveys the research interests of present psychometricians in Taiwan, and looks to the future of psychometric research and education. Through the review and prospects, we hope to rethink the role of psychometrics in psychology and in our society to enhance dialogue and to promote future collaboration between psychometricians and researchers in various other fields of psychology.


Keywords: Chinese Journal of Psychology, Methods of Analysis, Psychometrics, Quantitative Psychology
