Newlyweds' Marital Adjustment: Scale Development and Model Testing

Chinese Journal of Psychology, 50(4), 2008,425-446




本研究旨在探討新婚夫妻的婚姻適應,以過去質性研究的發現為基礎,研究者將新婚夫妻的婚姻適應分為四個部分來說明:包括婚姻適應的內涵及向度、影響婚姻適應的脈絡因素、婚姻適應策略及婚姻適應模式等。研究者編製了「適應問題」、「婚姻態度」及「適應策略」等三個量表,並對所提出的理論模式進行檢驗。以大台北地區288對(n = 576)結婚五年內的新婚夫妻為施測樣本,經過驗證性因素分析及內部一致性信度檢定的結果,各量表的因素結構與原先提出之架構大致符合。在假設考驗方面,研究結果顯示:在「夫妻與原生家庭」方面的適應,妻子感受到的需要度與困難度均高於夫。「夫妻間」適應的困難度亦為妻高於夫,丈夫只有在「家庭與工作間」適應的需要度高於妻子。在本身的婚姻態度上,以雙方「原生家庭規則的差異」對新婚期間各層面適應的影響最大,「父系制度」及「傳統性別角色」則對妻子婚後的適應有較多的影響。夫妻間態度的差異與夫妻在「夫妻與原生家庭」適應的困難度及妻子在「家庭與工作間」適應的需要度有關。在適應策略的應用上,夫比妻更常使用「個人內積極」及「個人內消極」的方式,妻則比夫更常使用「個人外消極」的策略來處理適應問題。最後,不論是丈夫或妻子的適應模式均具有良好的適配度。綜合夫妻的分析結果我們發現,雖然積極的適應策略與較高的婚姻品質有關,在適應上遇有困難的丈夫或妻子卻愈傾向採取消極的策略來因應新婚期間的適應問題,也因此導致較低的婚姻品質。本研究支持了上述三個量表的可用性,未來可以針對上述的研究成果,修正量表及理論架構,使其更臻完善。


 Marital Adjustment: Scale Development and Model Testing

Szu-Chia Chang(Department of Social Psychology, Shih-Hsin University);Yuh-Huey Jou(Institute of Ethnology/Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica);Tsung-Chain Huang(Department of Guidance and Counseling, National Changhua University of Education)



This study tests a theoretical model of newlyweds, marital adjustment proposed by the author based on qualitative data collected in Taiwan. Three measures which included dimensions of marital adjustment, attitude toward marriage, and strategies for dealing with adjustment problem were developed. Two hundred and eighty eight newly married couples (n = 576) filled out a questionnaire which contained the measures mentioned above and questions to gather demographic and background information. Results of factor analysis verified the proposed measurement models and high reliabilities were reported for most of the measures. Overall, wives perceived more adjustment difficulties than husbands. Adjustment problems for wives were found to mostly be concerned with their relationships with in-laws and with their spouse. On the other hand, husbands perceived more need balancing their work and family. Both husbands, and wives, level of adjustment difficulties were predicted by their own attitude and the discrepancy between their attitudes toward marriage. Particularly, wives, adjustment difficulties were predicted by their attitude toward patriarchal family system and sex role.

There were also differences in terms of the strategies that husbands and wives used in dealing with adjustment problems. Husbands adopted more intrapersonal-positive (accommodation) and intrapersonal-negative (avoidance) coping strategies while wives used more extrapersonal-negative (aggressive) strategies when faced with adjustment problems. Finally, results of SEM show that although positive coping strategies were found to relate to high marital quality, newlywed husbands and wives tend to use more negative coping strategies when they had more adjustment difficulties. As a consequence, such adjustment pattern would lead to low marital quality. The findings of the present study are expected to lead to the revision of the proposed model and to shed some light on the cultural characteristics that shape marital adjustment processes in Taiwan.


Keywords: adjustment problem scale, adjustment strategy scale, marital adjustment, marital attitude scale, newlyweds
