

中華心理學刊 民 111,64 卷,1 期,77-90
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2022, Vol.64, No.1, 77-90




繁衍作為人類演化歷程中面臨的主要壓力之一,可能塑造了人類記憶的有關特徵。男性與女性在繁衍任務中 發展出不同的擇偶偏好,這種擇偶偏好對兩性的記憶產生了不同的影響。研究分別採用面孔圖片與人格特質詞語為 實驗材料,探究繁衍處理對兩性記憶的差別影響。研究設計兩種處理條件。一種條件是相親條件,代表繁衍處理; 另一種條件是招聘條件,代表非繁衍條件。實驗一採用面孔圖片為實驗材料,結果發現:男性參與者在繁衍處理條 件下,對異性面孔有更好的再認成績;而女性參與者在繁衍與非繁衍條件下對異性面孔的再認沒有顯著差異。實驗 二採用人格特質詞語為實驗材料,結果發現:女性參與者在繁衍處理下對異性人格品質辭彙有更好的再認成績,而 男性參與者在繁衍與非繁衍條件下對異性人格辭彙的記憶沒有差異。總體上看,本研究結果說明繁衍處理能促進人 類記憶,且對兩性記憶有不同的影響。


Adaptive Memory: Different Effects of Reproductive Processing on Male and Female Memory

Yu Rui(Faculty of Education, Yunnan Normal University;School of Humanities and Management, Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine);Tao Yun(Faculty of Education, Yunnan Normal University)



As one of the major pressures in human evolution, reproduction may shape the characteristics of human memory. Men and women develop different mate preferences in reproductive tasks, which have different effects on their memory. In this study, face pictures and personality trait words were used as experimental materials to explore the different effect of reproductive processing on male and female memory.

The study set two matching processing conditions to explore whether reproductive processing could bring better memory results to the subjects. One was a blind date condition, representing reproductive processing, and the other was a recruitment condition, representing non-reproductive processing. In experiment 1, the face pictures were used as the experimental material. The result shows that male subjects have better recognition of the faces under the reproductive condition. While, there is no difference in female memory of the faces under reproductive and non- reproductive conditions. In experiment 2, the words representing personality traits were used as experimental materials. The result shows that female participants have better memory of trait words under the reproductive condition, while there is no difference in male memory of trait words between reproductive and non-reproductive conditions.

In conclusion, this study finds that men have better memory of female faces under reproductive conditions, while women have more obvious memory advantages for male trait words under reproductive conditions compared to non- reproductive conditions. These results prove that reproductive processing can bring memory advantages, but also show that there may be differences between the two sexes in memory mechanisms due to different preferences for mate selection.

Keywords: adaptive memory, reproductive processing, mate preferences, sex difference
