

中華心理學刊 民 112,65 卷,4 期,277-298
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2023, Vol.65, No.4, 277-298



組織行為(OB)在台灣的研究與發展已經超過了半世紀,本文企圖透過個人體驗,反思過往如何在情境與文化主義興起的浪潮下,採行種種研究路線的理由。這些路線包括引進模仿、文化與情境的作用、本土化探索與創新、全球化對話,以及行動化實踐。當然研究路線的選擇與取捨自有其原因,而且與個人所面對的情境脈絡亦有所關聯,而逐漸由跟隨學習、模式檢驗,轉移至理論創建、構念會通,同時,也重視研以致用。一九七○年代的台灣,研究者大多認為現代化之路只有一條,必須向美國與西歐學習新知,因而採取文化中立主義的立場,認為 OB 的法則應是放諸四海皆準的,需要積極引進與仿效。在此思潮的影響下,採行客位化追隨的路線成為時尚,而直接移植重要的 OB 構念、理論及測量工具。此時,正是個人就學期間,所以不但認真理解,翻譯各種相關書籍與論文,而且對既有理論亦常採取服膺態度,認真複製檢驗—即使西方社會已有一些主要研究者指出 OB 具有權變特性,需要重視情境脈絡的涉入作用。在此思維下,再加上東方文化下的日本經濟表現亮眼,文化情境的影響效果乃受到更大的關注。因而,採取了文化相對主義的立場,透過比較台灣 OB 是否與美國或西歐有所不同,以檢證西方理論之跨地域、跨文化適用的可能。然而,由於跨文化比較研究仍然是以西方理論為準,尋求這些理論在華人企業組織下的適用狀況,並不足以掌握文化鑲嵌下的 OB。因而,在文化心理學與文化類型論的主張獲得青睞以後,再加上台灣本土心理學運動的推動,開始採行本土化探索,進行更長期的系列性研究,一方面建構新穎的領導理論,一方面蒐集資料仔細檢證,而彌補了領導研究版圖中缺乏東方觀點的缺憾,並引領了相關理論的發展;同時,也進行東方與西方觀點的全球性對話,期望透過會通,混融不同文化下的 OB 構念。因而,比較華人關係與西方關係背景、華人領導與西方領導的相對影響效果,也成了研究重點。在進入二十一世紀之後,多元文化匯聚主義的觀點逐漸受到重視,而強化了此一全球化對話的路線。除此之外,對社會科學研究者而言,解決實際問題仍是重要的終極目標,因而,需要兼顧理論與實務,一方面開展行動研究,一方面透過協助經營實踐、參與必要的問題解決活動,以確定理論的有效性、可靠性及可行性。最後,在熟練各種研究路線之後,就會更加理解 OB 知識的創發,的確需要採行全方位、全循環的細緻考察,透過探索、開發及實踐的歷程,方可由引進學習轉向引領創新,掌握理論的建構與驗證、發想與證據,以及學術與助人的 OB 旨趣,進而解決人類社會之組織與管理的問題,提升人類與環境福祉,促使本地與全球組織邁向永續。


From Introduction to Leading: The Creative Transformation of Organizational Behavior in Taiwan

Bor-Shiuan, Cheng(Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University)


Organizational behavior (OB) research in Taiwan has been flourishing for over half a century. The article aims to illustrate the process of OB development in Taiwan from my experience—how did elect the research approach under the circumstances of culturalism? These pathways include the etic introduction, cross-cultural comparison, indigenous psychology, globalized dialogue, and practical action approaches. The choice of approach depends on the context in which the individual is located.

In 1970s Taiwan, OB researchers mostly believed that the only way to modernize was to learn the latest knowledge from the United States (US) and Western Europe (WE). Therefore, we take the cultural neutrality position, believing that the principles of OB research should be universal and must be actively imitated. Subsequently, the etic approach has become the trend to transplant important OB concepts, theories and measurements directly. Because of Japan’s outstanding economic outlook, the intervening effects of the cultural context have gradually become an inevitable concern, which motivated the OB researchers to adopt cultural relativism to examine the outcome of implementing western theories across various cultures—comparing the OB between Taiwan, US, and WE.

Nevertheless, since the cross-cultural research was developing based on western theories, the understanding of OB in Taiwan remained inadequate. Meanwhile, the perspectives of cultural psychology and cultural characteristic have caught more researchers’ attention, coupled with the promotion of Taiwan’s indigenous psychology movement, indigenous exploration began to be adopted. Throughout the long-term systematic research, we were dedicated to developing theories and collecting data to puzzle the insufficient understanding of OB research. Simultaneously, we positively engaged in the conversation to understand OB’s East and Western perspectives. We also expected to integrate the OB concepts with cultural contexts.

Since the 21st century, the perspective of multicultural convergence has been highlighted as a gateway to opening up the globalized conversation. As a result, solving practical problems has become crucial for social science researchers by conducting systematic action research. That is, we solved the managerial problems based on constructing OB knowledge. Above, in turn, enhanced the theory’s effectiveness, reliability, and feasibility.

As going through all the pathways, we learned that the full-cycle approach enables us to expand and innovate the OB knowledge and accomplish the missions as OB researchers — taking into account theoretical contribution and practical implications, hypothesis and evidence, as well as research and help. Ultimately, our study can potentially manage managerial issues, enhance well-being and facilitate the sustainable development of organizations.

Keywords: action research, creative transformation, cross-cultural approach, indigenous approach, organizational behavior in Taiwan
