

中華心理學刊 民 112,65 卷,4 期,353-374
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2023, Vol.65, No.4, 353-374



本研究旨在了解教練與選手之間的多元角色關係認定及其類型—理由是運動團隊中的教練與選手之間的互動 歷程,往往影響著運動表現的良窳;而在此歷程中,教練與選手對雙方的關係認定則扮演著極為關鍵的角色,而需 要進行探討與分析。由於此議題的研究相當有限,因而本研究從一對一對偶角色較為明確的網球教練與選手關係切 入,以兩個研究來了解教練與選手互動歷程中,可能的認定類型與種類。研究一以經驗豐富的菁英教練為對象,採 關鍵事例法,透過半開放式的問卷,廣泛蒐集教練對於教練與選手之間的角色關係認定的類型與具體事例;並歸類 出學習相關、家族相關、傾聽相關,以及任務相關四個主要類別。研究二則利用研究一歸納後的類型,以問卷方式, 廣泛蒐集選手對於教練與選手之間的角色關係認定類型。結果發現教練與選手之間,在長期訓練、生活的互動歷程 中,角色關係認定類型相當多元,有共同的部分,也有歧異的部分,而可作為後續研究的基礎,並提供了運動團隊 中,關係認定與教練、選手互動的新思考方向。


The Coach-Athlete Relationship: Role Relationship Identity and Typology in Sports Teams

Yu-Hui Lien(Department of Athletic, National Taiwan University), Ping-Kun Chiu(Graduate Institute of Athletics and Coaching Science, National Taiwan Sport University), Bor-Shiuan Cheng(Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University)


This study explores and conceptualizes the multi-faceted nature of relational identity between coaches and athletes. In the context of sports teams, relationships between coaches and athletes have been found to strongly influence athletes’ performance. How relational identity forms and evolves is key to determining the substance and characteristics of such relationships. Focusing on experienced coaches and elite tennis players, the present research comprised two parts. Study 1 was based on the critical incident principle. A semi-open questionnaire was used to obtain data on critical incidents related to relational identity and its typology. The analysis revealed four types of relationship: learning, family, interaction, and task-based. Building on the findings of Study 1, Study 2 revealed various types of relational identity embedded in such relationships, as well as perceptual overlaps and differences between coaches and athletes. Our findings enable us to elaborate on and conceptualize the multiplicity of relational identity, its typology, and the perceptual similarities and differences between coaches and athletes. The findings can serve as a springboard for future research on relational identity, specifically in the context of sports teams.
Keywords: coach-athlete relationship, role identity, relational identity
