行人使用Google 地圖應用程式尋路之策略研究

中華心理學刊 民110,63 卷,2 期,177-202
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2021, Vol.63, No.2, 177-202




本研究的主要目的是在探討行人使用Google 地圖應用程式(Google Maps app)尋路時的操作模式與使用策略。透過行為觀察、操作錄影與訪談,記錄每位實驗參與者在真實街道中利用Google 地圖應用程式,從指定出發點尋路行走以找到目的地的過程。所得資訊經過階層式群聚分析分類,得到六種最常見的「尋路策略」,包括:(A)不轉地圖,只觀察地標、路線與環境,在心中推想(B)旋轉地圖對齊環境地標(C)不轉地圖,只觀察光束與路線或終點,在心中推想(D)旋轉手機使光束指向終點(E)旋轉手機使光束對齊路線(F)旋轉手機使光束對齊路線,再搭配其他方法。這些結果可幫助我們對於行人在尋路時使用行動導航輔助應用程式的使用行為有更深入的了解,同時在未來更可藉由比較不同策略之間的差異,對個人化的導航介面設計提出建議,以期能優化行人在使用手機導航應用程式的使用經驗。

關鍵詞:Google 地圖應用程式、手機導航應用程式、行人導航系統、個別差異、尋路策略

Analysis of the Wayfinding Strategies of Pedestrians Using the Google Maps Mobile Application

Meng-Ting Lin and Chun-Yu Lin(Department of Psychology, National Cheng Kung University)



Following the advancements in public transportation and shared transport worldwide and the current prevalence of smartphones, a growing number of people are using navigation applications (apps) to find their way to their destination (i.e., “wayfinding”) or travel between public transport transfers. Therefore, designing an effective and userfriendly navigation system and interface is worthy of exploration. Previous studies on navigation systems have mostly focused on automobile drivers. To optimize a navigation system designed specifically for pedestrians, this study attempted to identify the operating patterns and strategies of pedestrians while using the Google Maps app on a smart phone to determine which direction to take toward the target destination. Behavioral observation, interviews, and video recordings of app operation by users were used to analyze how each participant utilized and interacted with the app to reach real-world destinations. Subsequently, a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to classify the collected data into six types of wayfinding strategies following which users determined their departure direction. The six categories are further detailed as follows: (A) Users observe the geographical relations between landmarks and the virtual routes on the digital map without rotating the phone or turning their body. (B) Users rotate the digital map to align the landmarks on the digital map with their real-world counterparts in the physical environment. (C) Users observe the geographical relation between the heading direction of the blue beam on the digital map and the virtual route without rotating the digital map or turning their body. (D) Users turn their body to align the heading direction of the blue beam with the final destination on the digital map. (E) Users turn their body to align the heading direction of the blue beam with their departure route. (F) Users turn their body to align the heading direction of the blue beam with their departure route and then rotate the departure direction on the digital map upward on the phone. The aforementioned findings provide a deeper understanding of pedestrian behaviors when using navigation apps for wayfinding. Furthermore, future research should compare different wayfinding strategies to make suggestions on personalized navigation interface designs, thus optimizing user experience in navigation apps.


Keywords: Google Maps app; individual differences; pedestrian navigation; wayfinding strategy

