
中華心理學刊 民 113,66 卷,1 期,1-24
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2024, Vol.66, No.1, 1-24

陳燕諭 (國立陽明交通大學經營管理研究所)胡昌亞(國立政治大學企業管理學系)


家長式領導(paternalistic leadership)為華人組織重要的領導行為,雖然 Farh 等人(2006)指出該領導行為可 透過引發員工特定情感來影響員工行為,但較少研究直接探討前述關係。因此,本研究從情感事件理論(affective event theory, AET)的觀點,探討威權領導與仁慈領導是否透過引發員工情感(如:敬畏、羞愧、恐懼、憤怒、感激、 虧欠),進而影響員工行為(如:順從行為、回報行為)。本研究分析 201 位員工資料,結果顯示:1. 威權領導會 促發員工敬畏、羞愧、恐懼及憤怒情感,且憤怒會中介威權領導與順從行為的關係。2. 仁慈領導會促發員工感激和 虧欠情感,且感激會中介仁慈領導與回報行為的關係。本文根據研究結果,討論家長式領導未來可能的研究方向。


The Influence of Paternalistic Leadership on Employee Behaviors through Affective Experiences: An Exploratory Study

Yen-Yu Chen(Institute of Business and Management, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University), Changya Hu(Department of Business Administration, National Chengchi University)


Paternalistic leadership is an important leadership behavior in the Chinese context. Although Farh et al. (2006) suggested that affective reactions are fundamental channels through which paternalistic leadership influences employees, few studies have examined this relationship. Building on affective event theory, we examined the influence processes of authoritarian and benevolent leadership behaviors on employees’ subsequent work behaviors (i.e., compliance behavior and repayment) by eliciting employees’ feelings (i.e., awe, shame, fear, anger, gratitude, and indebtedness). The results based on 201 employees indicated that while authoritarian leadership elicited awe, shame, fear, and anger in employees, only anger mediated the relationship between authoritarian leadership and compliance behavior. Furthermore, benevolent leadership elicited employees’ feelings of gratitude and indebtedness, with only gratitude mediating the relationship between benevolent leadership and repayment. Finally, we discuss the theoretical and managerial implications of the study findings and provide some directions for future research on paternalistic leadership.

Keywords: affect event theory, emotional leadership behavior, paternalistic leadership
