
中華心理學刊 民 113,66 卷,1 期,25-50
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2024, Vol.66, No.1, 25-50



領導者與部屬上下關係認定是以社會認知基模取向觀點探討主管與部屬對上下關係應然的認知,不僅會影響 領導者或部屬在互動時所展現的行為,亦會影響主管對上下關係之間的評價。若能了解領導者如何認知領導者與部 屬之間的關係,將會指引領導者展現不同的領導行為,成為影響部屬態度、行為與上下關係品質的重要因素。而部 屬如何認知領導者與部屬之間的關係,亦會影響部屬如何回應領導者,以及展現不同的工作態度與工作行為。因此, 探討領導者與部屬上下關係認定這個研究議題具有重要的理論價值和實務應用貢獻。基於此,本文系統地爬梳了國 內外之相關研究,旨在回顧以往國內外上下關係認定的研究進展及成果,針對領導者與部屬上下關係認定的概念進 行說明、釐清其理論基礎、內涵、測量及上下關係認定此概念之關係網絡的延伸議題等研究發展現況,並針對現有 研究中的不足提出建議與未來展望,以期拋磚引玉,期待更多學者投入上下關係認定的研究領域。


Leader-Subordinate Relational Identity: Review and Prospect

Sung-Chun Tsai(Department of Psychology and Counseling, National Taipei University of Education)


The issue of how relational identity about leader-subordinate affects each other’s behavior is getting attention. This study took the perspective of social cognitive schema to clarify the dimensions and contents of leader-subordinate relational identity if we can understand how leader’s identity the relationship between leaders and subordinates, it will guide leaders to show different leadership behaviors, which will become an essential factor affecting subordinate attitudes, behaviors, and the quality of subordinate relationships. How subordinate identity the relationship between leaders and subordinates will also affect how subordinates respond to leaders and show different work attitudes and behaviors. Therefore, exploring leader-subordinate relational identity as having crucial theoretical value and practical application contributions. Based on this, the researcher systematically collected and analyzed the relevant research, aiming to explain the concept of leader-subordinate relational identity, clarify its theory and content, and understand the current study, measurement, and the extension of the relationship network of this concept, etc. Finally, the implications of theory, practice, and, limitations, future directions were also discussed. In the hope that more scholars will invest in the research field of leader-subordinate relational identity.

Keywords: leader-subordinate relational identity, relational identity, relational schema, social cognitive theory.
