
中華心理學刊 民 113,66 卷,1 期,51-82
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2024, Vol.66, No.1, 51-82



目前組織中公平正義議題大多聚焦在基層員工身上,僅有少數的研究關注主管職人員的公平正義知覺。同時, 主管面對不公平對待的反應,原諒或報復行動,可能是決定領導風格的關鍵,因此,探討主管知覺部屬的不公平對 待,能有助於我們對於領導行為的理解。本篇論文簡要回顧組織中的公平正義觀點與研究,建構主管知覺受到部屬 不公平對待的概念意涵,同時探討主管的原諒與報復反應,並論述當主管選擇原諒或報復對於團體氣候以及團體與 個人效能的可能影響,更討論可能的調節變項,像是主管與組織或與部屬之間的情感連結。藉由回顧相關文獻,本 篇論文提出一項概念架構,說明當主管受到部屬不公平對待後,主管採取原諒或報復行動的可能影響,並藉此提出 九項研究命題,藉以引導後續研究的進行。文中亦指出未來可能的研究方向與實務意涵。


Supervisor Perceptions of Unfair Treatment by Subordinates: Supervisor Forgiveness and Retaliation

Ding-Yu Jiang(Department of Psychology, National Chung-Cheng University)


The current focus on fairness and justice issues within organizations predominantly focuses on frontline employees, with only a limited number of studies delving into the perceptions of fairness among managerial staff. However, understanding how supervisors react to unfair treatment by their subordinates, particularly in terms of forgiveness and retaliation, is crucial in shaping leadership styles. This paper provides a concise review of organizational justice perspectives and research, establishes the conceptual implications of supervisor perceptions of unfair treatment by subordinates, and explores the repercussions of supervisor forgiveness and retaliation. Additionally, it discusses the potential impact of these actions on group climate and individual/group effectiveness while considering moderating variables such as emotional connections between supervisors and the organization or subordinates. The paper proposes a conceptual framework outlining the potential consequences when supervisors experience unfair treatment from subordinates and choose forgiveness or retaliation. The paper concludes by presenting nine research propositions to guide future studies and suggests potential avenues for further research and practical implications.

Keywords: Forgiveness Climate, Justice Climate, Scope of Justice, Restorative Justice, Retributive Justice
