
中華心理學刊 民 113,66 卷,1 期,83-112
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2024, Vol.66, No.1, 83-112



向上影響策略一直是組織行為研究者關注的重要議題,由於其內涵易受到文化脈絡不同而有所差異,許多研究 者皆從文化比較的觀點切入,試圖比較不同文化區域下的向上影響策略,在內涵上有何異同。回顧過往研究,研究 者採取不同的文化研究取徑,來探究向上影響策略之內涵,各別研究取徑雖然累積了豐碩的研究成果,卻缺乏一有 效的整合架構來統合各研究取徑的研究成果,導致不同向上影響策略之間的關係混雜不清,亦難以對話。有鑑於此, 本研究從文化整合模式的角度切入,試圖建構一整合不同文化研究取徑之向上影響分類架構。具體而言,本研究首 先回顧不同文化研究取徑之向上影響策略內涵,藉此彙整出 28 項具有代表性之向上影響策略,並進一步提出「融 合趨勢—自主趨勢」與「特殊主義—普同主義」雙向度分類架構。之後,本研究招募 285 位研究參與者,針對前述 28 項向上影響策略進行兩兩之間的相似度評估,再採取 MDS 分析法驗證前述雙向度分類架構之適用性。最後,本 研究將以此一架構為基礎,提出未來研究方向,希望能為後續向上影響策略之相關研究提供實徵研究之理論基礎。

關鍵詞:MDS 分析法、文化整合模式、向上影響策略

Upward Influence Tactics: Proposition and Examination on Model of Cultural Integration

Min-Ping Huang(College of Management, Yuan Ze University), Yu-Hung Cheng(Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University)


Upward influence tactics (UIT) have been a significant research topic for both Western and East Asian researchers. As cultural differences lead to different UIT, scholars often adopt different cultural approaches to investigate the differences in UIT across different cultural areas. Specifically, some scholars assumed that Western UIT is culturally universal and directly applied Western UIT models into East Asia, while others adopt an indigenous approach to explore the Eastern UIT from an emic perspective. Despite the considerable amount of studies, different research approaches have led to disagreements and overlaps in the content of UIT, signaling a need for an integrative framework on UIT contents from different cultures. As such, this study aims to provide an integrative framework that can integrate and classify UIT from Western and East Asia. Specifically, we first conducted a review of previous literature on UIT and selected 28 representative UITs. We illustrated an integrative, two-dimensional framework based on these 28 UITs and examine its validity. Subsequently, we recruited 285 participants and requested them to rate each UIT in terms of similarity with others. We adopted Multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) to analyze the data. The results support the twodimensional framework, and finally we discuss future directions and provide research suggestions to contribute to future exploration of UIT.

Keywords: upward influence tactics, culture integrative model, multi-dimensional scaling method
