
中華心理學刊 民 113,66 卷,1 期,113-152
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2024, Vol.66, No.1, 113-152



在職場中,員工會故意保留其對於工作的一些想法、意見或疑慮,此行為不僅會阻礙組織效能,亦會損害員 工的工作態度與個人福祉。鑑於其重要性,近幾年員工沉默受到研究者關注,相關研究快速累積。然而,回顧過去 文獻會發現,其研究成果仍具有構念定義不清、研究成果缺乏一系統性整理之問題。因此,本文將重新釐清員工沉 默之構念,並統整過去的研究成果,點出未來研究方向。此外,基於華人文化中員工沉默之獨特現象,本文亦從華 人文化本位的觀點深入探討華人員工沉默,以期對未來臺灣的員工沉默研究有更進一步的啟發。本文首先回顧員工 沉默的概念源起,並說明沉默動機與沉默行為的關係、沉默與建言的關係、沉默之重要特徵,以釐清員工沉默之構 念定義與內涵。其次,本文將系統性地整理國際與臺灣期刊中員工沉默目前的研究現況。接著,本文將聚焦華人員 工沉默,說明華人文化中員工沉默之獨特處,並整理目前員工沉默之華人本土研究現況。最後,本文基於目前此領 域的研究缺口,提供未來研究方向,供有興趣之研究者參考。


Employee Silence: Literature Review, Concept Clarification, Chinese Cultural Implications and Future Directions

Yi-Hsuan Wen(Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University), Tsung-Yu Wu(Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University)


Employee silence, the withholding of input about work-related matters, has been frequently observed in organizations, and it may be detrimental to organizational performance and employees’ well-being. Hence, employee silence has become an important topic in recent years and accumulated massive research to examine its antecedents and consequences. However, some issues still need to be addressed, including unclear definition of the construct and lack of a systematic integration of the results. Therefore, this paper will re-clarify the concept of employee silence, integrate the results of past research, and provide suggestions for future research. We first clarify the development of the employee silence construct, the relationship between silence motives and silence behavior, the similarities and differences between silence and voice, and the important characteristics of employee silence. Secondly, we sort out the current research on employee silence and put forward the culture issue, explaining the particularity of employee silence in Chinese culture in order to provide further inspiration for future research on employee silence in Taiwan. Finally, we also propose recommendations for future research.

Keywords: Chinese culture, Chinese employee silence, employee silence
