About Chinese Journal of Psychology About Chinese Journal of Psychology
Aims and Scope

Chinese Journal of Psychology (ISSN: 1013-9656) is affiliated with the Taiwanese Psychological Association. With its inception in 1958, it has become the oldest journal specializing in psychology in Taiwan. It is representative and indicative in the field of psychology and is included in EBSCO, TSSCI, PsycINFO, Cabell’s International, and other databases. In the meanwhile, the journal has a large reader audience across the strait. We uphold the spirit of encouraging innovation and developing psychology and have assisted many researchers to publish influential and quality research papers.

The journal publishes original psychological research papers, in both Chinese and English, mainly based on empirical research. In addition, we considers review articles that review domestic and foreign papers or discuss important issues in contemporary psychology, and also considers case reports that have implications for basic mental operations. The literature review must be integrated with relevant empirical research and demonstrate theoretical contributions.

The journal publishes four issues each year, in March, June, September, and December, respectively. Papers are solicited throughout the year. Occasional special issues are also organized. Submissions for special issues should follow the call for papers of the special issue. The journal adopts online submissions. Please see the submission system of Huayi Digital Publishing Company for the paper inquiry and review system. No separate paper is required during submission.

Call for original papers of all fields of psychology:

● Industrial and organizational psychology ● Physiological psychology ● Management psychology ● Developmental psychology ● Social psychology
● Personality psychology ● Counseling psychology ● Cognitive psychology ● Educational psychology ● School psychology
● Military psychology ● Clinical psychology ● Metrology psychology ● and other fields of psychology

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