Workplace Gossip and Employee Cynicism: The Moderating Role of Dispositional Envy

中華心理學刊 民109,62 卷,4 期,537-552
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2020, Vol.62, No.4, 537-552


Chien-Chih Kuo(Department of Psychology, National Chengchi University); Kirk Chang(Department of Management, University of Sharjah);Ting-Kuei Kuo(Nottingham University Business School Ningbo China);Sheng Cheng(Department of Psychology, National Chengchi University)


This study investigated the relationship between workplace gossip (positive gossip and negative gossip) and employee cynicism and explored the moderating role of dispositional envy through the social information processing approach. Data were collected via a three-stage survey in 24 companies with 307 employees across various industries in Taiwan and analyzed through hierarchical linear modelling regression analysis. The results showed that negative workplace gossip engendered employee cynicism, whereas the effect of positive workplace gossip was not significant. Moreover, dispositional envy moderates these relationships, which denotes that individual differences are an important factor affecting employee cynicism within organizations. 

Keywords: Dispositional envy, employee cynicism, workplace gossip, positive gossip, negative gossip

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