




本研究整合情緒安全感假說及認知背景架構之概念,藉由驗證情緒認知因素模式與情緒安全感、自責感、威脅感整合模式,探討父母衝突如何透過兒童的情緒及認知反應為中介而影響兒童的適應問題,以作為臨床心理學家介入兒童問題之參考。研究方法為問卷調查法,以411位小學五年級兒童及其家長、老師為對象。結果顯示,兩個模式皆具有不錯的模式適合度,其中,情緒認知因素模式能完全中介父母衝突與兒童適應問題,強調兒童在父母衝突下的情緒與認知反應各有其重要性,應加以細分,且能直接預測兒童的適應問題 。而情緒安全感、威脅感、自責感之整合概念則部分中介父母衝突與兒童內外化問題,此整合概念並不能完全預測兒童的適應問題。據此,兒童臨床工作者應同時考量兒童的情緒與認知反應,並細分情緒與認知的不同因素,較能充分了解兒童的反應如何影響其適應問題,進而透過直接改變兒童的情緒認知反應而改善其適應問題。


The Impact of Interparental Conflict on Children’s Adjustment: The Role of Children’s Emotional and Cognitive Responses

Li-Yu Shyu(Department of Psychology, Soochow University);Wen-Yau Hsu(Department of Psychology, National Chengchi University)



This study integrated the concepts of the emotional security hypothesis (Davies & Cummings, 1994) and the cognitive contextual framework (Grych & Fincham, 1990). Children’s emotional and cognitive responses to interparental conflict were identified as mediators of the association between interparental conflict and children’s adjustment. The model postulating discrete emotional-cognitive factors and the integrated model of emotional-security, self-blame, and perceived threat were examined. The purpose of this examination was to see whether there was a set of specific, unique mediators that can be applied to further clinical child intervention. 411 five-grade children, their parents and teachers participated in the study. The SEM results indicated that these models provide a good fit to the data. Two models had different implications for application. The association between interparental conflict and child adjustment was fully mediated by emotional-cognitive factors. The findings suggested that children had a variety of specific, unique emotional and cognitive responses to interparental conflict that place them at risk for internalizing and externalizing problems. The results of integrated model indicated that the integrated concepts of emotional-security, self-blame, and perceived threat partially mediated the relation between interparental conflict and child adjustment. The integrated concepts can’t provide a complete account of the mechanism explaining associations between interparental conflict and child adjustment. This study demonstrated that the differentiation of children’s emotional and cognitive responses into specific factors provided a useful framework for clinical child practitioners to understand how children’s responses to interparental conflict place children at risk for internalizing and externalizing problems.


Keywords: emotional security, internalizing behavior, interparenal conflict, self-blame, threat

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