
中華心理學刊 民 78,31 卷,2 期,79-90
Chinese Journal of Psychology 1989, Vol.31, No.2, 79-90

朱瑞玲(中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所 ; 國立臺灣大學心理學系)



由於國去有不少學者討論中國社會具有強烈的「社會取向」(social orientation)特性,也就是行為的目標以追求社會鞏體的和諧性為主。本研究試圖指出,面子與成就實有相同的社會取向動機內涵,特別是在公眾面前呈現個人成就時,面子壓力尤其與成就動機密不可分。綜合面子需求、成就動機、面子維護能力、自我檢視能力等相關的社會取向動機概念,應可檢視出其中共同的「社會壓力」本質,並且區分出不同的行為目標。由研究結果發現,除了個我取向成就動機外,上述各項概念之間均有顯著相關;而個我取向成就動機與主動維護面子之間的正相關也說明此項西方社會成就動機仍含有爭面子的社會壓力。本研究並以歸因理論討論成就動機到成就行為之間的認知中介歷程,也獲得實微支持。

Face and Achievement: The examination of Social Oriented Motives In Chinese Society

Ruey-Ling Chu(Sun-Yat Sen Institute for Social Sciences and Philosophy, Academia Sinica;Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University)



The present study was conducted to examine the similarity and distinction between face need and achievement motive in terms of the social oriented motive concept. Within a broader conceptual framework, even an individual oriented achievement motive, which has been operationally defined in western culture, cannot get rid of the social pressure for being competent. The results revealed that need for face on ability, social oriented achievement motive, face-saving abilities, and self-monitoring ability(the ability to modify self-presentation) were highly correlated to each other.

Furthermore, the individual oriented achievement motive was positively correlated with active face-saving ability, and negatively correlated with passive face-saving ability and ability to modify self-presentation as well. On the other hand, the attributional effect on achievement-related behaviors was found as expected. The implications of this type of research strategy on investigating the social-orientation characteristics of Chinese culture were discussed.

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