Trisyllabic Tone Sandhi in Tianjin Revisited

中  華  心  理  學  刊

Hui-Chuan Hsu(Department of Foreign Language, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)



This paper reanalyzes trisyllabic tone sandhi in the Tianjin dialect, which has invoked a generative line of research since mid 1980s. Among the 64 (4) trisyllabic tonal strings, how HL.L.L surfaces as HL.LH. L has been the crux of heated debate among the derivational and Optimality-Theoretic approaches. This paper appeals to the notion of set consistency, the spirit of which reflects similarity-to-category in psychology and Optimal Paradigms in Optimality Theory, to account for Tianjin trisyllabic tone sandhi from a brand new perspective.

Keywords: tone sandhi, Optimality Theory, similarity-to-categorization

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