
中  華  心  理  學  刊

黃宗堅(淡江大學教育心理與諮商研究所副教授);謝雨生(臺灣大學農業推廣學系教授);周玉慧(中央研究院民族研究所 / 人文社會科學研究中心副研究員)





The Use and Influence of Support-Gaining Strategies among Family Members

Tsung-Chain Huang(Tamkang University, Department of Education Psychology and Counseling);Yeu-Sheng Hsieh(National Taiwan University, Department of Agricultunal Extension);Yuh-Huey Jou(Institute of Ethnology & Research Center for Humanities and Social Science, Academia Sinica.)



This paper examined the relationships between adolescents' strategies of support-gaining and parents' consent strategies of support-giving, and their influences on support provided, support received, and family atmosphere. The analyzed data are from 243 Taiwanese families with four members each, including adolescent, father, mother, and one of his/her siblings. The main variables used in this research included children's use of strategies, parents' consent, support provided and received, and family atmosphere. Results indicated that adolescents' and their siblings' patterns could be identified as 'rarely used tactic,' 'indirect moderation' and 'try diversely.' Father's consent patterns could be classified into 'only rationality,' 'prominent authority,' and 'without rejection.' Mother's con-sent patterns could be distinguished into 'only rationality,' 'negotiability' and 'without rejection.' Secondly, the proportions of latent classes and conditional probabilities for a given latent class were significantly different among family members. Further, 'indirect moderation' and 'try diversely' children received more support from parents than those children who 'rarely us tactic.' Finally, the more the parents provided and children received support, the stronger the family warm atmosphere and the weaker the family dejected atmosphere.

Keywords:support-gaining strategies, compliance-gaining strategies, latent class analysis, support provided, support received, family atmosphere, adolescents

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