
中華心理學刊 民 88,41 卷,2 期,113-120
Chinese Journal of Psychology 1999, Vol.41, No.2, 113-120




鄭發育教授於1916年生於台南市。十八歲赴日留學,就讀高等學校、大學、及研究所。一九四六年自京都帝國大學大學院的哲學研究所返台,旋即應聘於國立台灣大學哲學系。一九四九年該校創設心理學系,他改隸該系。一九五三年升等為副教授。一九五六年到美國耶魯大學N. E. Miller教授的實驗室研究一年。一九五九年升等為教授。一九八六年退休。一九九六年腦溢血逝世。心理學系創系初期,資源短缺,師資、財源均甚拮据,薪水亦低。在此困難時期,他安貧樂道地盡心設法讓實驗心理學的課能夠開成,使學生得以體驗用實驗的方法來研究心理學;並且訓練陳台焴先生成為當年台灣唯一的心理學儀器的製造者,使早期台灣心理學界的實驗研究得以開展發揚。此外,在那個年代,他經常到系研究,不但是學生最常請益與模仿的對象,而且也是發表研究論文最多的教師。由於他的身教,使實驗研究成為心理學系的傳統,將台灣心理學的研究奠基於科學方法。在台灣,他不但是實驗心理學研究的祖師,而且也是第一位用實驗方法來研究人格心理學與臨床心理學的課題。



Chia-Hung Hsu(Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University); En-Chang Wu(Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University);Der-Huei Yee(Institute of Racial Relation and Culture, National Donghwa University)



Professor Fa-Yu Cheng, the first son of a physician, was born on October 16, 1916 at Tainan, Taiwan. After 11 years' elementary and junior high school education in Taiwan, he went to Japan to continue his education at the Eighth Senior High School, Department as well as Institute of Philosophy of Kyoto University. He did some researches on perception then. After the second-world-war, the situation was so chaotic that he had to quit his graduate study and came back to Taiwan in 1946. He was soon appointed as a lecturer at Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University. In 1949, the university founded the first Department of Psychology in Taiwan and he became a faculty member of the department. He was promoted to the rank of associate professor in 1953 and, three years later, went to Dr. N. E. Miller's lab at Yale University for one year. He earned his professorship in 1959 and retired in 1986. He died of stroke on February 12, 1996. During those early years, the Department of Psychology had very limited resources in every aspect. He managed to open the course of experimental psychology, arranged various experiments, and discussed critically those experimental designs with students, so that students had opportunity to experience the scientific way to study psychological phenomena. He had also trained a technician who became the only person in Taiwan capable of manufacturing various psychological instruments to support psychological researches for more than 20 years. In addition, he was the most rigorous researcher of the department during that difficult period. Most of his researches were on learning and related topics. He also explored the link between learning processes and psychological disorders as well as personality. He has made the scientific study of psychology as the tradition of the Department. He is not only the founder of experimental psychology, but also the first researcher in the fields of experimental clinical psychology and experimental personality in Taiwan.

Keywords:Fa-Yu Cheng, Biography, Experimental psychology, Taiwan

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