Differences Between Odd and Even Number of Response Scale: Some Empirical Evidence

中華心理學刊 民 82,35 卷,2 期,75-86
Chinese Journal of Psychology 1993, Vol.35, No.2, 75-86

Chi-Sum Wong(Department of Organization and Management);Kam-Chuen Tam(Department of Organization and Management);Man-Yee Fung(Department of Organization and Management);Ken Wan(Department of Operations and Systems Management The Chinese University of Hong Kong)



Some researchers argued that reluctance among Chinese people in expressing opinions might affect the validity of data collected using odd number response scale of structured questionnaires. This study tested this speculation by a variety of measures in two samples: 895 full time undergraduate students, 1687 alumni who were employed for full time jobs. Results did not support the speculation that the variances of the data would be smaller for the odd number response scale. Although the mean scores gathered may he higher for those from the odd than the even number scale, its effects on research findings would be minimal.

Keywords:Culture difference, Political opinion, Chinese, Response scale

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