
中華心理學刊 民 81,34 卷,9-27
Chinese Journal of Psychology 1992, Vol.34, 9-27




兒童之依附行為發展的重要時期是一歲至三歲左右。傳統測量依附行為的方法 是陌生情境測示法,此法費時費事,不易收集大量資料。本研究最重要的目的是編製依附行為量表,以便以後進行研究。本研究報告分三部份。研究一之目的是建立依附行為量表,以90%以上親子會經歷的日常生活互動活動為量表題目,受試對象是由高雄市五區衛生所及一所醫院記載資料隨機取樣而來,共有329人,均是有一足歲至三足歲十一個月大小孩的家庭主婦;依附行為量表做因素分析,可得三個因素,解釋總變異量約為26.4%;依附行為量表的內部一致性介於.80至.91之 問。一個月再測信度為 .65至 .73 之間,一年穩定度為 .48 至 .51之間,均具顯著性(p<.05)。研究二之目的為探討依附行為之建構效度,研究對象是41對母親與小孩,受試小孩的年齡介於一足歲至一足歲時十一月大,以陌生情境測示法進行;結果顯示依附行為量表具有建構效度,安全依附因素代表幼兒以正向行為或正向需求趨近媽媽,逃避因素代表幼兒以負向行為或負向需求遠避媽媽,曖昧因素代 表在壓力情境中(例如陌生人在場、到陌生地方、分離情境等) 幼兒以正向行為或 正向需求趨近媽媽,而曖昧分數越低代表安全堡壘效應越强。研究三之目的是探討依附行為與母親特質、小孩特質的關係,受試樣本與研究一相同,結果顯示母親特質方面,小孩越黏母親,母親的分離焦慮也越高,而母親因就業引發的分離焦慮會隨小孩的年齡而有不同的影響;小孩氣質特徵方面,安全依附因素與易養型(易趨性、適應度高、情緒本質愉快等) 有關連,遠避因素與難養型(規律性低、易避性、適應度低、情緒本質不愈快等) 有關連,而曖昧因素與氣質類型關係不明確。本研究並討論依附行為量表未來可進行的研究方向。

The Attachment Scale For One-To-Three Year Old Children

Huei-Lin Huang(Kaohsiung Medical College);En-Chang Wu(National Taiwan University)



The purpose of the present research was to develop an attachment scale. In study 1, the Attachment Scale was developed with items which are composed of interactive activities between mother and children in daily life. The subjects were 329 mothers who had one to three years old children, and who took care of their own children during the day by themselves for more than 5 hours every day. Three factors were obtained by principal component analysis, and the total variance explained was about 26.4%. The Cronbach's as were .80-91. The 1 month test-retest reliabilities were 65-.73. The stabilities of 1 year was .48-51. All of these coefficients were statistically significant (p<.05) Study 2 was designed to investigate the construct validity of the Attachment Scale. The subjects were 41 dyads of mother and child, and all of the children were 1 year old. These dyads were tested by the Ainsworth's strangesituation procedure. We got 3 factors: secure factor-young children approach to their mother; avoidant factor---young children avoid from their mother; and, ambivalent factor-young children approach to their mother under stress situation (i.e. stranger, unfamiliar place, separation etc.), and the lower the ambivalent score, the stronger the secure base effect. Study 3 was to investigate the relationship between attachment and the situation or type of mother and children. Subjects were the same as study 1. The findings were that, the mothers' separation anxiety was in proportion to her child's attachment to her; and that, concerning the temparement, the secure factor was associated with easy child (approach, adapt, good mood etc.); the avoidant factor was associated with difficult child (irregularity, avoidant, maladapt, negative mood etc.); and, the ambivalent factor wasn't associated with the temperament type. Furthermore, the future researches with the Attachment Scale were discussed.

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