
中華心理學刊 民 68, 21卷, 二期, 61-74
Chinese Journal of Psychology 1979, Vol. 21, No.2, 61-74



根據國外文獻的報告兒童對事件之歸因與其生活適應有密切關係 。本研究之目的在探討事件之歸因與我國國中學生生活適應之關係,以供瞭解及預測青少年在個人適應及社會適應之表現。研究對象為臺北市大直國中及北安國中二年級學生二百八十名,男女人數大約相等。研究工具包括歸因量表及少年人格測驗。本研究之主要結果如下:(一)國中學生對正性事件及負性事件之命運、運氣、能力及努力等歸因變項是由二個共同因素組成的 。道二個共同因素可解釋上述八個歸因變項總變異量的百分之六十八。不過由男女生的因素矩陣發現歸因的種類、受試者的性别和事件的性質彼此有交互作用存在。(二)本研究以積差相關和分階多元迴歸分析法探討歸因變項與國中學生生活適應的關係,結果發現正性事件和負性事件之內在歸因(能力和努力)對國中學生生活適應之預测功能完全相反,前者內在歸因愈强,生活適應愈好,後者剛好相反。一般言之,前者之預測效率大於後者。至於正性事件和負性事件之外在歸因(命運、運氣〉二者之預測功能非常類似。二者之外在歸因愈强,生活適應均愈差。(三)從歸因分數的因素矩陣及歸因分數和生活適應之相關可知,各歸因變項不但性質不同,其預测功能亦不一致,故如按目前一般內外控最表或歸因量表之方式,將各歸因分數合併成各種總分,雖可使量表分數簡單化,但對其預測效率將有很大的損害。

Relationship between Attribution and Adjustment in Junior High School Students

Pang-Chieh Lin(National Cheng Chi University)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the attribution and the personal and social adjustments in junior high school students.
280 second graders (145 boys and 134 girls) from two Taipei junior high schools were selected. Hung-Yang's Attribution Scale and the California Test of Personality were used as research instruments. The data obtained were statistically treated by principal component analysis and step•wise multiple regression. The main findings of the study were as follows:
1. There are two common factors in the eight attribution variables (At, E*, T*, L*, A-, E-, T-, L-). Some effects of interactions among kinds of attribution, sex, and the nature of events upon factor matrix were found.
2. Internal attribution for positive events (A*, E*) were positively correlated with the personal and social adjustment, but internal attribution for negative events (AT, B-) were negatively correlated with adjustment.
3. External attribution for positive events (T*, L*) and for negative events (T-, L- have negative correlations with the personal and social adjustment.
4. The practices of combining different attribution scores into subtotals may reduce the relationship between these scores and adjustment.

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