Social Distance between the Chinese and Americans

中華心理學刊 民 69,22卷,1 期,1-12
Chinese Journal of Psychology 1980, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1-12

Minako K. Maykovich( Department of Sociology, California State University)


This paper attempts to test the validity of the Yang-Lee-Yu social distance scale and measure social distance as perceived by Chinese students and farmers toward Americans.
The Yang-Lee-Yu scale, which is a modified version of the Bogardus Social Distance Scale, was applied to two sets of samples: 240 students from National Taiwan University, Tamkang University, and Tunghai University; and 204 farmers in Miaoli. Subjects in these samples were asked their willingness to engage in various types of social interaction (e. g., marrying, becoming an intimate friend, sharing a taxi) with white, black, and Chinese Americans.
With regard to the validity of the scale, the Guttman coefficient of reproducibility was improved substantially when two items on the scale were interchanged. The new scale now lists three items in the order: (1) marrying, (2) becoming a close kin by marriage, and (3) becoming an intimate friend.
The use of the new scale produced the following findings: (1) the perception of Sino-American social distance is affected by international events such as the U.S. derecognition of the ROC; (2) Chinese students feel closest to the Chinese Americans, than to whites, and most distant toward blacks; and (3) farmers are either uncertain of their sentiment toward Americans or do not wish to have any transactions with them.


Minako K. Maykovich(加州州立大學社會學系)


楊、李、余氏社會距離量表係由 Bogardus 社會距離量表修訂而成。本研究以修訂後之量表施測於兩組樣本,第一組樣本是包括臺灣大學、淡江大學及東海大學三所學校的學生共240名;第二組樣本取自苗栗地區的農人共204名。這些受試者均被問及是否願意與白人、黑人或華裔美人共同從事各種社會性的交往活動(例如:結婚、交友或共搭計程車等)。

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