
中華心理學刊 民109,62 卷,2 期,i-iv
Chinese Journal of Psychology 2020, Vol.62, No.2, i-iv





「運動心理學」為心理學領域較為年輕的次領域,然經多年發展,運動心理學已孕育出自我獨特的主題。民國90 年臺灣運動心理學會創立,開啟運動心理學在臺灣的濫觴,在積極的發展下已有較穩固之基礎,並可由研究領域議題、國際注目與事務,以及實務工作等三大面向作呈現。本次專刊共計收錄有八篇研究,其目的不僅將國際間特定運動心理學議題進行介紹與剖析,更是以臺灣為主軸地詮釋在此些議題發展所扮演之角色。總括而言,本專刊不僅得以體現運動心理學在臺灣之多元發展,更顯示臺灣在國際運動心理學界不曾缺席之角色。


Special issue on Sport and Exercise Psychology: The Developments and Connections between Taiwan and World

Yu-Kai Chang(Department of Physical Education, National Taiwan Normal University;Institute for Research Excellence in Learning Science, National Taiwan Normal University);Li-Kang Chi(Department of Physical Education, National Taiwan Normal University);Tsung-Min Hung(Department of Physical Education, National Taiwan Normal University;Institute for Research Excellence in Learning Science, National Taiwan Normal University)



“Sport and Exercise Psychology” is a relatively newborn sub-discipline in the field of Psychology. However, after several years’ development, Sport and Exercise Psychology has spawned its own unique themes in many related research areas. Being first funded in 2001, the Society for Sport and Exercise Psychology of Taiwan (SSEPT) has energetically advanced the Sport and Exercise Psychology academic discipline and its research in Taiwan. The SSEPT has established a firm research foundation for Sport and Exercise Psychology in Taiwan, reflected in three broad dimensions, which are advancing research topics, engaging in related international professional affairs, thereby promoting global attention, and suggesting practical research applications. This special issue includes eight research papers, not only introducing and analyzing certain specific international research topics, but also annotating and emphasizing the roles which the Taiwanese academic community plays in furthering those research topic areas. In conclusion, this special issue not only reflects the diverse developments of Sport and Exercise Psychology in Taiwan, but also demonstrates the contributions of the Taiwanese academic community to the international Sport and Exercise Psychology community.


Keywords: Exercise, Exercise Psychology, Sport, Sport Psychology

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